inherited misfortune
Starring:Mark-Andrew Glondin, Eve Jacques, LaetitiaIsambert-Denis, Anne-élisabeth Bossé, Brandon Beary, Vincent Leclerc, LouisChampagne, MireilleNaggar, Marie-FranceLambert, ThierryHarcourt, Florence Janes, Anna Louvre, SarahDesjeunesRico, TedPluviose, Mao, CindyDoutres, NinedUrso, VeronikaVasilyevaRije, Re
Latest Rating:9.6
Highest number of likes:297380
area:France, Canada and Belgium
language:The French
category:Theatre and horror.
director:by Zevil Legrand.
subtitle:Heir, The Successor, Son and Father (Port)
Introduction:Like the labyrinth of the Greek myth Dharos, out of the spirit of the spiral design fashion show, promoted to the art director of the senior fashion brand Alice, inherited master became the new favorite of the Paris fashion industry. abandoned everything past, self-isolation and other innovations, but when the death of his father came, he had to return to Quebec home.
Details:Like the Greek myth of the Dharos labyrinth, do not discourage the spiral design fashion show, promoted to the senior fashion brand art director Alice, inherited master became the Paris fashion industry new loving. abandoned everything past, self-isolated other innovative days, but when the death of his father came, he had to return to Quebec home to deal with the aftermath, not expecting to discover the shocking secret. fear of the wheat wings are dissolved, he only bear the father's sins, fall straight to hell. continued custody rights fight against the father's dark and violent exploration, LeGrand mixed new black, scary, suspicious, and other types, layers revolved into the male psychological black hole, composed modern tragedy myth.
Remark:HD is
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2024-09-24 12:42:10