Midnight Palace 2
Starring:HazalKaya, TansuBi?er, SelahattinPasali
Latest Rating:4.5
Highest number of likes:242035
language:The Turkish language
category:Theatre, suspicion and history
director:EmreSahin, NisanDag
subtitle:Midnight atheeraalace
Introduction:In 1995, Ezra discovered a picture of a baby she had taken in the 1940s and decided to go back in the 1940s to find her mother and family.
Details:In 1995, Ezra discovered a picture of a baby she had taken in the 1940s and decided to go back in the 1940s to find her mother and family. Though Ahmad warned her not to manipulate time, Ezra and Ahmad came in 1941. Ezra immediately began to look for her mother, and Ahmad realized they had created a time crack. In addition, Khalid discovered time travel, and from 1919 to 1941, eagerly wanted to find his love for Ezra.
Remark:Total of 8 sets.
Update time:
2024-09-12 19:43:21