The love trick.
Starring:SonyaSaranphatPedersen,LookmheePunyapatWangpongsathaporn,BonzNadolLamprasert,Patrafil Van Lopezri,Vu Go Kiddakan,Chata Caveney,Apasley Ninebun
Latest Rating:5.2
Highest number of likes:53124
area:Thailand is
language:The Thai
category:Theatre and gender.
director:by PantipVibultham
subtitle:Affair, love conspiracy, romance, affairs, love affairs, marriage affairs
Introduction:Focused on two childhood friends, one being the daughter of the boss and the other being the daughter of the maid, who were separated after the death of their father.I am hlen.I was born to have a perfect life, but it soon became overwhelmed after my family went bankrupt.Wanwi, when I had a childhood friend
Details:Focus on two childhood friends, one is the daughter of the boss, the other is the daughter of the maid, they were separated after the death of the father. I am hlen. I was born to have a perfect life, but after my family bankruptcy it soon became overwhelmed. When I had a childhood friend Wanwiwa and I grew up, life was not too bad. However, for some unfortunate reason, I had to leave. Ten years later, fate meets us again. all memories are resurrected and feel like it will never be. adapted from J. Plano (???????????).) novels (Focuses:????????? Focusesontwochildhoodfriends,oneofwistheboss39;sdaughterandtheerthemaid39;sdaughter,wesearatedomefrotherafterthedehoftheir...
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2024-09-28 10:36:49