Monster Island: The Son of Gogol
Starring:High Island Lviv, the former Tōtō Meepori, the long guarantee,平田昭彦,土屋嘉男,佐原健二
Latest Rating:7.8
Highest number of likes:113483
language:The Japanese
category:Science fiction and family.
director:Fukuoka is pure.
Introduction:In the South China Sea of Zorgell Island, the son of Godzilla, Minila, first appeared, the monster, Kamakilas, and Khmongga confronted. from this work, the special director is the master?円谷英二から弟子の有島貞昌にバトン? touched.
Details:In the South China Sea of Zorgell Island, the son of Godzilla, Minila, first appeared, and the monster, Kamakilas and Khmongga, confronted. from this work, the special director is the masterpiece?円谷英二から弟子の有島貞昌にバトン? touched, and the love of the parents of Godzilla and Minila is fully depicted.
Remark:HD is
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2024-08-24 18:24:25