Goethe to Meigallo.
Starring:川裕之, 森干太, 富田浩太郎, 中島元
Latest Rating:8.5
Highest number of likes:245847
language:The Japanese
category:science fiction
director:Fukushima is pure
subtitle:Godzillavs.Megalon, Gotham City, Gotham City, Gotham City, Gotham City
Introduction:The people of the submarine kingdom because of dissatisfaction with human nuclear weapons explosion interfered with them, and so sent Megalo to destroy the earth world, and controlled the artificial robot jet tank seat guide, but humanity finally took back control of the jet tank, and notified Gogila to eliminate the monster, did not think the submarines connected with aliens,
Details:The people of the undersea kingdom interfered with them because of the nuclear weapons test of humans, and sent Megalo to destroy the earth world, and controlled the artificial robot jet tank seating guide, but humanity finally seized control of the jet tank, and notified Gogila to eliminate the monster, did not think the undersea people connected the aliens, the aliens sent Gogalo, evolved into a two-to-two monster warfare. In 1973, the Japanese film, the 13th film of the Gogula series, the audience was about 980,000. The original plot concept came from the film company's children's quest campaign, originally intended to shoot a film with the jet tank as the main character, but later the jet tank believed that the jet tank was not enough to support the box office, and to shoot the Gog
Remark:HD is
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2024-08-21 14:59:12